Shanahan LK, Mithal LB, Messina M, Office E, Wakschlag L, Seed P, Kahnt T. Characterizing olfactory brain responses in young infants. Journal of Neuroscience. 2025 Jan 27; 45:e1780242025. doi.org/10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1780-24.2025

Kahnt T, Schoenbaum G. The curious case of dopaminergic prediction errors and learning associative information beyond value. Nature Reviews Neuroscience. 2025 Mar; 26(3):169-178. doi.org/10.1038/s41583-024-00898-8


Zhang Z, Takahashi Y, Montesinos-Cartagena M, Kahnt T, Langdon A, Schoenbaum G. Expectancy-related changes in firing of dopamine neurons depend on hippocampus. Nature Communications. 2024 Oct 16; 15:8911.

Howard JD, Edmonds D, Schoenbaum G, Kahnt T. Distributed midbrain responses signal the content of positive identity prediction errors. Current Biology. 2024 Sep 23; 34(18):4240-4247.e4.

Zhou G, Lane G, Kahnt T, Zelano C. Structural Connectivity between Olfactory Tubercle and Ventrolateral Periaqueductal Gray Implicated in Human Feeding Behavior. Journal of Neuroscience. 2024 Jun 19; 44(25):e2342232024.

Liu Q, Zhao Y, Attanti S, Voss JL, Schoenbaum G, Kahnt T. Midbrain signaling of identity prediction errors depends on orbitofrontal cortex networks. Nature Communications. 2024 Feb 24; 15:1704.

Echevarria-Cooper SL, Ho EH, Gershon RC, Weintraub S, Kahnt T. Evaluation of the NIH Toolbox Odor Identification Test across normal cognition, amnestic mild cognitive impairment, and dementia due to Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer’s & Dementia. 2024; 20:288-300.


Tegelbeckers J, Porter DB, Voss JL, Schoenbaum G, Kahnt T. Lateral orbitofrontal cortex integrates predictive information across multiple cues to guide behavior. Current Biology. 2023 Oct 23; 33(20):4496-4504.e5.

Zhao Y, Bhutani S, Kahnt T. Appetite-regulating hormones modulate odor perception and odor-evoked activity in hypothalamus and olfactory cortices. Chemical Senses. 2023 Oct 5; 48:bjad039.

Sagar V, Shanahan LK, Zelano CM, Gottfried JA, Kahnt T. High-precision mapping reveals the structure of odor coding in the human brain. Nature Neuroscience. 2023 Sep; 29(9):1595-1602.

Raithel CU, Miller AJ, Epstein RA, Kahnt T, Gottfried JA. Recruitment of grid-like responses in human entorhinal and piriform cortices by odor landmark-based navigation. Current Biology. 2023 Sep 11; 33(17):3561-3570.

Kahnt T. Computationally informed interventions for targeting compulsive behaviors. Biological Psychiatry. 2023 Apr 15; 93(8):729-738.


Hart EE, Gardner MPH, Panayi MC, Kahnt T, Schoenbaum G. Calcium activity is a degraded estimate of spikes. Current Biology. 2022 Dec 19; 32(24):5364-5373.e4.

Huys QJM., Russek EM, Abitante G, Kahnt T, Gollan JK. Components of behavioral activation therapy for depression engage specific reinforcement learning mechanisms in a pilot study. Computational Psychiatry, 2022 Oct 13; 6(1):238-255.

Shanahan LK, Kahnt T. On the state-dependent nature of odor perception. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 2022 Aug 26; 16:964742.

Kahnt T. Neural Mechanisms Underlying Expectation-Guided Decision-Making. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 2022 Jul 1; 6:943419.

Echevarria-Cooper SL, Zhou G, Zelano C, Pestilli F, Parrish TB, Kahnt T. Mapping the Microstructure and Striae of the Human Olfactory Tract with Diffusion MRI. Journal of Neuroscience. 2022 Jan 5; 42(1):58-68.


Soutschek A, Weber SC, Kahnt T, Quednow BB, Tobler PN. Opioid antagonism modulates wanting-related frontostriatal connectivity. eLife. 2021 Nov 11; 10:e71077.

Porter DB, Qu LP, Kahnt T, Gottfried JA. Aversive outcomes impact human olfactory discrimination learning and generalization. Behavioral Neuroscience. 2021 Oct; 135(5):642-653.

Shanahan LK, Bhutani S, Kahnt T. Olfactory perceptual decision-making is biased by motivational state. PLoS Biology. 2021 Aug 26; 19(8):e3001374.

Wang F, Kahnt T. Neural circuits for inference-based decision-making. Curr Opin Behav Sci. 2021 Oct; 41:10-14.

Kahnt T, Schoenbaum G. Cross-species studies on orbitofrontal control of inference-based behavior. Behavioral Neuroscience. 2021 Apr; 135(2):109-119.

Howard JD, Kahnt T. To be specific: The role of orbitofrontal cortex in signaling reward identity. Behavioral Neuroscience. 2021 Apr; 135(2):210-217.

Hebscher M, Kragel JE, Kahnt T, Voss JL. Enhanced reinstatement of naturalistic event memories due to hippocampal-network-targeted stimulation. Current Biology. 2021 Apr 12; 31(17):1428-1437.

Howard JD, Kahnt T. Causal investigations into orbitofrontal control of human decision making. Curr Opin Behav Sci. 2021 Apr; 38:14-19.


Wang F, Howard JD, Voss JL, Schoenbaum G, Kahnt T. Targeted Stimulation of an Orbitofrontal Network Disrupts Decisions Based on Inferred, Not Experienced Outcomes. Journal of Neuroscience. 2020 Nov 4; 40(45):8726-8733.

Echevarria-Cooper SL, Kahnt T. The role of memory in addiction: a commentary on Bornstein and Pickard memory sampling theory. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2020 May; 45(6):903-904.

Wang F, Schoenbaum G, Kahnt T. Interactions between human orbitofrontal cortex and hippocampus support model-based inference. PLoS Biology. 2020 Jan 21; 18(1):e3000578.

Howard JD, Reynolds R, Smith DE, Voss JL, Schoenbaum G, Kahnt T. Targeted Stimulation of Human Orbitofrontal Networks Disrupts Outcome-Guided Behavior. Current Biology. 2020 Feb 3; 30(3):490-498.


Stalnaker T, Howard JD, Takahashi YK, Gershman SJ, Kahnt T, Schoenbaum G. Dopamine neuron ensembles signal the content of sensory prediction errors. eLife. 2019 Nov 1; 8:e49315.

Bhutani S, Howard JD, Reynolds R, Zee PC, Gottfried JA, Kahnt T. Olfactory connectivity mediates sleep-dependent food choices in humans. eLife. 2019 Oct 8; 8:e49053.

Zhou G, Lane G, Cooper SL, Kahnt T, Zelano C. Characterizing functional pathways of the human olfactory system. eLife. 2019 Jul 24; 8:e47177.

Bao X, Gjorgieva E, Shanahan LK, Howard JD, Kahnt T, Gottfried JA. Grid-like Neural Representations Support Olfactory Navigation of a Two-Dimensional Odor Space. Neuron. 2019 Jun 5; 102(5):1066-1075.

Suarez JA, Howard JD, Schoenbaum G, Kahnt T. Sensory prediction errors in the human midbrain signal identity violations independent of perceptual distance. eLife. 2019 Apr 5; 8:e43962.


Shanahan LK, Gjorgieva E, Paller KA, Kahnt T, Gottfried JA. Odor-evoked category reactivation in human ventromedial prefrontal cortex during sleep promotes memory consolidation. eLife. 2018 Dec 18; 7:e39681.

Weber SC, Kahnt T, Quednow BB, Tobler PN. Fronto-striatal pathways gate processing of behaviorally relevant reward dimensions. PLoS Biology. 2018 Oct 19; 16(10):e2005722.

Kahnt T. A decade of decoding reward-related fMRI signals and where we go from here. NeuroImage 2018 Oct 15;180(Pt A):324-333.

Tegelbeckers J, Kanowski M, Krauel K, Haynes JD, Breitling C, Flechtner HH, Kahnt T. Orbitofrontal Signaling of Future Reward is Associated with Hyperactivity in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Journal of Neuroscience. 2018 Jul 25; 38(30):6779–6786.

Howard JD, Kahnt T. Identity prediction errors in the human midbrain update reward-identity expectations in the orbitofrontal cortex. Nature Communications. 2018 Apr 23; 9:1611.

Sagar V, Kahnt T. Genetic signatures of memories. eLife. 2018 Mar 21; 7:e36064.


Park SQ, Kahnt T, Dogan A, Strang S, Fehr E, Tobler PN. A neural link between generosity and happiness. Nature Communications. 2017 Jul 11; 8:15964.

Howard JD, Kahnt T. Identity-specific reward representations in orbitofrontal cortex are modulated by selective devaluation. Journal of Neuroscience. 2017 Mar 8; 37(10):2627-2638.

Kahnt T, Tobler PN. Dopamine modulates the functional organization of the orbitofrontal cortex. Journal of Neuroscience. 2017 Feb 8; 37(6):1493-1504.


Weber KA 2nd, Chen Y, Wang X, Kahnt T, Parrish TB. Functional magnetic resonance imaging of the cervical spinal cord during thermal stimulation across consecutive runs. NeuroImage. 2016 Sep 8; 143:267-279.

Howard JD, Kahnt T, Gottfried JA. Converging prefrontal pathways support associative and perceptual features of conditioned stimuli. Nature Communications. 2016 May 4; 7:11546.

Kahnt T, Tobler PN. Dopamine regulates stimulus generalization in the human hippocampus. eLife. 2016; 5:e12678.

Weber KA 2nd, Chen Y, Wang X, Kahnt T, Parrish TB. Lateralization of cervical spinal cord activity during an isometric upper extremity motor task with functional magnetic resonance imaging. NeuroImage. 2016 Jan 15; 125:233-43.

Qu LP, Kahnt T, Cole SM, Gottfried, JA. De novo emergence of odor category representations in the human Brain. Journal of Neuroscience. 2016 Jan 13; 36(2):468-78.


Wisniewski D, Reverberi C, Kahnt T, Haynes, JD. The role of parietal cortex in the representation of task-reward-associations. Journal of Neuroscience. 2015 Sep 9; 35(36):12355-65.

Howard JD, Gottfried JA, Tobler PN, Kahnt T. Identity-specific coding of future rewards in the human orbitofrontal cortex. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2015 Apr 21; 112(16):5195-200.

Kahnt T, Weber S, Hacker H, Robbins TW, Tobler PN. Dopamine D2-receptor blockade enhances decoding of prefrontal signals in humans. Journal of Neuroscience. 2015 Mar 4; 35(9):4104-11.


Kahnt T, Park SQ, Haynes JD, Tobler PN. Disentangling neural representations of value and salience in the human brain. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2014 Apr 1; 111(13):5000-5.


Weygandt M, Mai K, Dommes E, Leupelt V, Hackmack K, Kahnt T, Rothemund Y, Spranger J, Haynes JD. The role of neural impulse control mechanisms for dietary success in obesity. NeuroImage. 2013 Jul 16; 83:669-78.

Tusche A, Kahnt T, Wisniewski D, Haynes JD. Automatic processing of political preferences in the human brain. NeuroImage. 2013 May 15; 72:174-82.

Burke CJ, Brünger C, Kahnt T, Park SQ, Tobler PN. Neural integration of risk and effort costs by the frontal pole: only upon request. Journal of Neuroscience. 2013 Jan 23; 33(4):1706-13.

Kahnt T, Tobler PN. Salience signals in the right temporoparietal junction facilitate value-based decisions. Journal of Neuroscience. 2013 Jan 16; 33(3):863-9.


Imamoglu F, Kahnt T, Koch C, Haynes JD. Changes in functional connectivity support conscious object recognition. NeuroImage. 2012 Dec; 63(4):1909-17.

Kahnt T, Park SQ, Burke CJ, Tobler PN. How glitter relates to gold: similarity-dependent reward prediction errors in the human striatum. Journal of Neuroscience. 2012 Nov 14; 32(46):16521-9.

van den Bos W, Cohen MX, Kahnt T, Crone EA. Striatum-medial prefrontal cortex connectivity predicts developmental changes in reinforcement learning. Cerebral Cortex. 2012 Jun; 22(6):1247-55.

Kahnt T, Chang LJ, Park SQ, Heinzle J, Haynes JD. Connectivity-based parcellation of the human orbitofrontal cortex. Journal of Neuroscience. 2012 May 2; 32(18):6240-50.

Park SQ, Kahnt T, Talmi D, Rieskamp J, Dolan RJ, Heekeren HR. Adaptive coding of reward prediction errors is gated by striatal coupling. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2012 Mar 13; 109(11):4285-9.


Kahnt T, Heinzle J, Park SQ, Haynes JD. Decoding the formation of reward predictions across learning. Journal of Neuroscience. 2011 Oct 12; 31(41):14624-30.

Park SQ, Kahnt T, Rieskamp J, Heekeren HR. Neurobiology of value integration: when value impacts valuation. Journal of Neuroscience. 2011 Jun 22; 31(25):9307-14.

Heinzle J, Kahnt T, Haynes JD. Topographically specific functional connectivity between visual field maps in the human brain. NeuroImage. 2011 Jun 1; 56(3):1426-36.

Kahnt T, Heinzle J, Park SQ, Haynes JD. Decoding different roles for vmPFC and dlPFC in multi-attribute decision making. NeuroImage. 2011 May 15; 56(2):709-15.

Kahnt T, Grueschow M, Speck O, Haynes JD. Perceptual learning and decision-making in human medial frontal cortex. Neuron. 2011 May 12; 70(3):549-59.


Bermpohl F, Kahnt T, Dalanay U, Hägele C, Sajonz B, Wegner T, Stoy M, Adli M, Krüger S, Wrase J, Ströhle A, Bauer M, Heinz A. Altered representation of expected value in the orbitofrontal cortex in mania. Human Brain Mapping. 2010 Jul; 31(7):958-69.

Park SQ, Kahnt T, Beck A, Cohen MX, Dolan RJ, Wrase J, Heinz A. Prefrontal cortex fails to learn from reward prediction errors in alcohol dependence. Journal of Neuroscience. 2010 Jun 2; 30(22):7749-53.

Sajonz B, Kahnt T, Margulies DS, Park SQ, Wittmann A, Stoy M, Ströhle A, Heinz A, Northoff G, Bermpohl F. Delineating self-referential processing from episodic memory retrieval: common and dissociable networks. NeuroImage. 2010 May 1; 50(4):1606-17.

Kahnt T, Heinzle J, Park SQ, Haynes JD. The neural code of reward anticipation in human orbitofrontal cortex. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2010 Mar 30; 107(13):6010-5.


Beck A, Schlagenhauf F, Wüstenberg T, Hein J, Kienast T, Kahnt T, Schmack K, Hägele C, Knutson B, Heinz A, Wrase J. Ventral striatal activation during reward anticipation correlates with impulsivity in alcoholics. Biological Psychiatry. 2009 Oct 15; 66(8):734-42.

Kahnt T, Park SQ, Cohen MX, Beck A, Heinz A, Wrase J. Dorsal striatal-midbrain connectivity in humans predicts how reinforcements are used to guide decisions. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 2009 Jul; 21(7):1332-45.

Bermpohl F, Dalanay U, Kahnt T, Sajonz B, Heimann H, Ricken R, Stoy M, Hägele C, Schlagenhauf F, Adli M, Wrase J, Ströhle A, Heinz A, Bauer M. A preliminary study of increased amygdala activation to positive affective stimuli in mania. Bipolar Disorders. 2009 Feb; 11(1):70-5.


Schlagenhauf F, Juckel G, Koslowski M, Kahnt T, Knutson B, Dembler T, Kienast T, Gallinat J, Wrase J, Heinz A. Reward system activation in schizophrenic patients switched from typical neuroleptics to olanzapine. Psychopharmacology. 2008 Mar; 196(4):673-84.


Wrase J, Kahnt T, Schlagenhauf F, Beck A, Cohen MX, Knutson B, Heinz A. Different neural systems adjust motor behavior in response to reward and punishment. NeuroImage. 2007 Jul 15; 36(4):1253-62.

Heinz A, Wrase J, Kahnt T, Beck A, Bromand Z, Grüsser SM, Kienast T, Smolka MN, Flor H, Mann K. Brain activation elicited by affectively positive stimuli is associated with a lower risk of relapse in detoxified alcoholic subjects. Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research. 2007 Jul; 31(7):1138-47.

Wrase J, Schlagenhauf F, Kienast T, Wüstenberg T, Bermpohl F, Kahnt T, Beck A, Ströhle A, Juckel G, Knutson B, Heinz A. Dysfunction of reward processing correlates with alcohol craving in detoxified alcoholics. NeuroImage. 2007 Apr 1; 35(2):787-94.
